Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

While Bonnie Plays Hostess

Hello friends and family....
Bonnie has assigned me the responsibility of writing this weeks letter. She is having a great time hosting Diane Thayer and Evelyn Johnson during their short visit with us. When they arrived, it was like Christmas..... even better. They brought us many things that we either cannot get , or it is much to expensive to purchase here. Our children had gathered goodies and added their stuff to the two hugh bins that Diane and Evelyn had rounded up to bring.   They also brought a tremendous number of white shirts and ties from many of our friends in Eagle River. Thank you so much to all who donated. Next Sunday is our first Branch Conference here in Providenciales and we are excited to see all of our male members in attendance dressed in white shirts and ties. For most of them, it is the first white shirt and tie they ever have owned. Your generosity truly exemplifies the scripture found at Mathew 25:40.
Things continue to roll along here on this little island. And, each day the temperature moves up another degree or two. We’ve had the fans on in the house most of the time we’ve been here. However, it’s nearing the point where we will begin using the A/C at night so we can sleep. The National weather service announced today they are predicting an unusually high number of hurricanes and large storms this hurricane season (June 1- Dec 1). We are not looking forward to experiencing a hurricane. However, here it’s just a way of life. The folks in the Jamaica Mission office told all the missionaries to lay in emergency water and food supplies. We are prepared.
I’m sure most have heard about the unrest in Kingston, Jamaica over the past few days. All missionaries on Jamaica are safe and have been given specific directions on how to remain that way. Our new mission president and his wife arrived on Jamaica two days ago. His flight from Miami to Kingston was cancelled due to conditions. So, they ended up flying to Montego Bay and then being driven to Kingston. What a greeting!
The work continues. More of our strongest members have voluntarily returned to Haiti. It is good that they are returning to their families. One of them already has a job there as a tailor. More would like to leave as soon as possible if they had the resources to do so. Our branch membership rolls now lists 69 members. With the 14 who returned to Haiti (voluntarily and involuntarily) we would have been getting ever closer to the “magic” 100 member number. That goal now may not soon be realized. However, the Lord continues to send us people who are eager to learn of the Gospel. If all goes well, we will baptize 5 new members this Saturday. YES!
Bonnie and I are still wondering whether we will be transfered. Our previous mission president told us we would not be here our entire mission. He stated he could not justify leaving a couple here their entire mission since there had already been a couple here prior to our arrival, and there are many other places in the mission that have never had a senior couple assigned. We’ll see what the impressions of the new president will be. We are happy to go and do whatever the Lord desires of us.
Now, more about our visitors (Evelyn and Diane). They have been kept busy the last couple of days. We planned on taking the ferry to a neighboring island yesterday. However, the storm that rolled through here early in the morning changed our plans. We ended up driving all around the island. You may have already seen pictures on Facebook. We visited the Northwest Point of the island, then took them to the Pirate Cave. It was beautiful, but way hot! Even Diane Thayer said she was too hot. After a fried chicken lunch and visiting some of the members, Diane needed to head back to the beach for more swimming. When that was done, we went to the Tiki Hut restaurant for a BBQ chicken and ribs dinner...YUM! It was a good day. Today, Bonnie is taking them to visit many sisters in the branch. Then, Diane wants to head back to the beach. We will try to visit the neighbor island permitting.
We have had some very spiritual and emotional experiences these last few weeks.  It is funny how bad and good, sad and happy, all seem to come together to help us grow and be better people.   Such amazing experiences.  So thankful to be able to serve a mission!
 Thanks again for all those who donated shirts and ties, and other fun stuff.  We love you all so much. 
Elder and Sister Herbert
Saying good bye to Pierre Paul and Fabian

Pirate Cave

Beautiful sunset on the beach.

This is just a little of the goodies Diane and Evelyn brought.  UHHHH....I don't think I will be losing weight any time soon!

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