Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's Getting Hot Here!

Dear Family and Friends,

One day melts into another and we can’t believe how fast time goes.  No huge news this week. (No news is good news sometimes.)  
We had 2 more of our men taken by immigration.  We don’t understand the huge push lately to get all the illegal men.  This country is in high turmoil, no money, no business, lots of crime and lots of corrupt government.  Because Turks and Caicos is a British commonwealth, Britain came and took over the government and is trying to “clean” it all up.  We even heard they are bringing over policemen because the police force is so corrupt.  The “belongers” are not happy because things are changing and they don’t like outsiders coming in to take over.  But we are hoping things settle down soon, making life a little calmer.  The newspaper said they are giving only 1/2 the work permits this year.  Many are trying to do everything legal but finding they don’t have the connections and bribe money needed to get legal papers.  One of our friends (Natalie) has lived here since she was 10 years old...all legal.   When she turned 18 years old and got out of high school in 2004, she turned in paperwork to become a legal resident. They paid all the money and everything was somehow lost.  She turned it in again two years later and once again, all paper trail vanished.  She recently turned everything in for the fourth time.  The person who worked (or who did not work) her papers has now been changed.  They have great hope that it will happen soon.... 6 years after it should have.  
We (mostly me) are very excited that Diane and Evelyn are coming for a visit.  They are bringing so many things we miss from home.  It will be like a vacation for me to have them here.   We are excited to have all the white shirts.  Thank you so much for the many who have contributed.  I will make Diane and Evelyn come with me to do English class as well as lots of visiting.  But we will also take some time to enjoy the beaches here.  We have not gone to the beach since Erin was here in December.  It is getting trés chaud....very hot, and we will take delight in beautiful weather at the ocean.  We so enjoyed our Skype visit with Homestead family last evening.  Mrs Yeargan is retiring this year and we enjoyed a moment with them at her retirement party held at the Thayer home. 

We had a lovely evening with Elder and Sister Coleman last weekend.  He did some basic and fundamental training.  It was very nice to sit and soak in the spirit.  
Almost every week we have some tourists that find the church and come to visit our little branch.  Last week we had 6 women from Oregon,(left their husbands and children home) and came, bearing Mother’s Day flowers and candy.  Then they asked if there was anything they could do for the members here who are hurting so much.  They were very generous and we will have food in our office to give out for a long time.  I’m not sure if they know the good they have done.  Last night, two tourist from Utah,  came and took all the missionaries out to eat.  It was a lot of fun.  We find there are many good people in this world and it is so much fun to rub shoulders with them.
One thing that is very exciting for me.....  When we came here there were 8 women in our branch.  I just did a new list and we have 17 now (counting me).   It is an answer to prayer.  Kind of fun to watch it grow. 

We are happy.   We are glad to be on a mission.  We love you all.
Elder and Sister Herbert
Elder and Sister Coleman at the church.

This is a mother and daughter from Utah.  Clara graduated from high school and her mother brought her here to do some diving.  They had a great time and we enjoyed getting to know them.  They drove a motor scooter around the island.  What fun.

Two of our newest members.
Another beautiful sunset.  So many here.

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