Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lovin' The People

I already love these people, but the problems are so overwhelming.

We had another baptism this morning and it was wonderful. We have another one tomorrow after church. Most of the people are so humble and try so hard. The problem is not baptizing them here. The problem is keeping them. Now we have 23 people to which we need to teach the new member discussions. It is an overwhelming task because none or very few of them speak English. Even that would not be so hard but they do not have transportation, jobs, and often the will to be at all their meetings. To gather them to teach them with a translator is a super human feat. There is no physical way we can take them all to church. We are not like other churches that have busses that will pick them up and take them around. We are a church of sacrifice and commitment. Yet when they are so needy and so young in the church, how can they give all that is required? Often in the states we take baby steps with converts. Here we ask giant strides and then more. I have to speak tomorrow in church and that is what I am going to tell them. The blessings of their super human effort will be seen in years and generations to come. We spoke to one young man the other day who has been less active. He was crying in our meeting and all I could tell his was not to give up. We who have so much are asking him who has so little...............

The mission president was here for the afternoon yesterday. He interviewed about 16 people. Tomorrow in Priesthood meeting, Mike will ordain 9 men to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Can you believe that? When was the last time you had 9 men ordained in one branch of about 60 people. One year ago, there were a group of about 5 people who were praying for one priesthood member to come so they could have the sacrament. Now we have a branch with 60 members and all this priesthood.

Mike and I taught a lady today who wants to be baptized. (She asked that we be the ones to teach her). What a privilege. However she knows so little and I worry for her. (When I was finished with the lesson she told me how she prays in tongues when she prays). So much to learn. Her husband has only been a member for a few months and serves as the clerk in the branch. He is so faithful and works hard. However he does not have a job or transportation. So for him to come to church we need to go 3 or 4 miles one way to pick him up and then go back to the church several miles the other way. Tomorrow we will pick him up for early meetings and then I will go back and pick her up along with other investigators. But there are probably 20 more who have the same problem. He told us today during our lesson that his dream is to take his wife to the temple. Please pray for these people that they will have the vision of who they are and what they can be.

Another complication is that the elders need the car as much as we do. Their bikes are broken and they have to teach all over the island. Gas is $4.42 a gallon and we have had to fill the tank 3 times in the last week. I know we can not keep this up, but how do we stop?

Still we feel we are seeing great progress in the work.

On a lighter note.... I was reaching for a paper towel last night and a HUGE cockroach was crawling on my hand. I screamed and told MIke to come and take care of it. He has laughed at me all day. I don’t mind the cute little geckos or even the bugs....but they cant jump out at me and scare me to death. There was a dead scorpion in our little scorpion trap last night. It has been 88 degrees all day today. I am going to melt!

Love you all!
Elder and Sister Herbert

PS We are lucky to serve in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Hoorah for Israel !

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