Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Day

This huge crab was walking across our road. Mike put his hand by it just to show how large it was.
Teencie and Sonja invited us to eat. They are sisters. Tencie on the left is the Relief Society President and Sonja is the Primary President.

Elders The elders were eating at a cafe a few days ago, when a member couple from Utah talked to them. The couple wanted to do something nice for them so they bought them a $100 gift certificate at this hamburger place where they were eating called the Salt Mills. The elders were ecstatic as they do not get fed much and they really like this place. So today they went to eat there to use part of the gift certificate, and much to their chagrin, the waitress told them they had to use the whole thing at one time. They called us on the phone and asked us if we wanted to come over and eat on them, as they had to use the $100 all at this meal. Elder Herbert was not feeling well and I had just eaten so we opted out of eating on their ticket. We gave them some other ideas and let them deal with it. A while later I called about another matter and they were still at the restaurant. We went over to where they were to see if we could help them in any way. We laughed and laughed because they had ordered all $100 worth of food. They were both sick. They finally got their last order of two pizzas to go and we took them home, bikes and all. They are coming over for dinner tomorrow and we are having the two pizzas. They don’t have a microwave, they could not imagine how to eat them with no microwave. They really are becoming like our children. Elder Herbert was pretty upset with the cafe....because that was clearly not the intent of the nice LDS couple that bought them the gift certificate. These are the things you laugh about for years.

We went to visit three inactive members today. There is no way to describe their living conditions. They were so happy to see us and so kind. They all said they really wanted to come to church but they do not have a way. Two of the three do not have jobs and a Chit-nee (taxi) costs $3.00 each way, which adds up to a lot of money for them. We ache for them and know they are sincere. Part of what we all need to learn is faith. We teach them that they must pray diligently, with faith, for answers to these problems. I believe that our Heavenly Father opens doors for His faithful and He wants them to be successful. Tithing is a major issue for so many here. Malichi teaches them that Heavenly Father wants to bless them, but they must exercise the faith to do His will. It is so much to ask, but necessary for them to find a way out of the problems they now face.

Hot Mike was not feeling good today. I think it is the heat. It really does wear on us Alaskans who are used to a little cooler weather. I hope he wakes up feeling better. Poor guy. I think he is losing weight. I seem to be able to eat just problems there. We have quit walking because even so early, it is just too hot. The elders reminded me today that this is a nice fall day. When I responded that I could not wait for winter, they reminded me that I would not notice much difference. You might be interested in knowing that we are not eating much ice cream even though I love it so. Our little tiny freezer can not keep it frozen hard and it just doesn’t taste quite as good as I remember. Banana popsicles have become our new best friends.

Another baptism today Watson is a great guy. Just want to come to church with his friend, and was ready instantly. He is really a jewel. We went over to his house yesterday so Mike could do a baptism interview. We met with several neighbors that would be open to teaching. Good people everywhere we go.

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