Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Funny Story

Funny Story:  I went up to our neighbor’s house (Ann) to her birthday party.  While there Ann introduced me to a lady and explained to me that this lady (Linda) had a confession to make to me.  The poor lady busted up laughing and had a hard time explaining though the laughter.  She told me that 6 months ago she had eaten one of several cupcakes that I had stored at my neighbors house. She had thought they were Ann’s cakes and that Ann had left them for her to eat.   I never noticed, at the time that any were missing.  She said for six months she has avoided me because she was so embarrassed.  I told her I was going to use her story in a talk at church.   How often do we feel guilty about things that would be so easy to take care of, if we would just be up front right at the start?   I think this Linda and I will be good friends.  Sounds like something I would do.
Went car shopping this week.  We were having a car shipped form the Bahamas for the Elders.  The “powers to be” decided that we should buy a new car instead.  I don’t know if we will buy it here or have it shipped from Miami.  Probably several months down the road.  But it was fun car shopping on a mission.
We had about 20 tourist from the US come today to church.  Most from one family.  This lady called me up a few weeks ago and asked what she could bring from the states for us...(silly question!)  Actually we told her nothing, but she ended up bringing about 15 church videos to keep here and share with the members. (She works for Deseret Industries).  Then when she heard some of the needs of the members they brought us soap, shampoo, lotion and other sundries, as well.  They were so very sweet and want to continue to help.  What a testimony builder for Mike and I to be around such generous people.  We have seen so many miracles surrounding our time here.  Nothing to do with us, just that we are blessed to watch it all unfold.
We finally let us into Beaches.  Tourist members are staying there and we went in to take them back to their room.  (We have tried to come in before and the guard always turned us around).  It was such a stark reality check!  It was like a whole world difference between in and out of the gate.  Outside many people hurting, hungry, and without means of support, go into the gate and it is like Disneyland.  Tourists come onto our island and spend a week enjoying the many delicious restaurants, classes, activities, water slide, all inside the wall.  Most never knowing of those hurting outside the gate.  Life in the Caribbean!  
Volley ball is quickly becoming a favorite activity here.  We started playing as a branch activity.  It is growing.  Last Friday there were about 25 people...only 10 were members.  Great missionary tool and lots of fun.  They tell us they never played before and are loving it.
We are anxious to meet our new mission president this week.  He and his wife will just be her one day and night.  We don’t know what his agenda will be but we are anxious for direction.  
We have met and talked with several very good contacts lately.   One sweet.    We feel our prayers are answered in so many ways.  This mission is such an amazing experience     ....Not easy, but amazing!
Lots of love.
Elder and Sister Herbert

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