Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Uneventful Christmas

Christmas was fairly uneventful. We did manage to get to the beach for pictures on Christmas day. It was a little windy to actually go snorkeling as we had planned....but it made a good background for our Christmas memory. The elders were at the church waiting for phone calls a lot of the day. They used our computer and Skype to see their family as they talked. They were so excited to talk to family and it was hard when their time to talk was over. They had looked forward to it for so long and then it was time to go back to work. We actually went to the movie on Christmas night,with a friend from the ward and her husband. Sherlock Holmes was funny but I’m not sure it reflected my feelings for the Savior on that special day. We missed our dear family and friends (which would have livened the day for us), but as we visited and thought of our Haitian friends here who have no family, or even means to reach family, during this holiday season, it put so much in perspective. We went with the elders caroling before Christmas day. Many thought it was very weird, never having seen it before. But we had a lot of fun passing around treats and acting silly. The elders always add a touch of life to any activity.

Well the year is just about over and it is a time reflect on accomplishments for the old year and desires for the new. We taught several lessons about the new year.... in church, Family Night, and then again in English. It was fun to watch them listen and go through the process of making goals, writing them down, and committing to make things happen. We are going to our neighbors for dinner on New Year’s Day. They have become such good friends. She did tell me that her husband was worried that I would convert her. I told her I would only talk to her about the church if she were interested..... Now, how do I get her interested?

English class was up to 40 men this week....and one woman. Crazy. Because the group is so big now, I am worried that it is less effective. The span of their expertise is so wide. I don’t have a way to really reach and help them. I have no real curriculum and no means (like tests and grades) to make them accountable. It seems like it is more me entertaining them for an hour. I need to think this through and decide if it is filling it’s purpose.

There is this American guy who runs by the church every day. The elders have called him Brad Pitt.....because he does look something like him. Anyway he has spoken to the elders several times, even offering them a ride once. When I asked why they have never spoken to him about the church, they said they just never really had an opportunity. Well the other day, Mike slowed down our car and talked to him as he ran. Turns out his name is Mike O’Brian. Very nice guy....not LDS, but went to BYU. He said he would come to church some time. I hope he does. He is actually moving back to the states soon.

Love all of you so much.
Elder and Sister Herbert
Mike and Bonnie
Mom and Dad....etc

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