Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

George Blackhood, Baby Mamas, and a FUNNY Story

George Blackhood
48 years old...   Member for 8 years...  In a wheel chair....  When he was 28,  3 men came into his house attempting to rob him.  When he refused to give them money a man stabbed him in the back, cutting his spinal cord.   None of the men were caught or paid for their crime.  The man who stabbed him, came to him later asking for forgiveness saying he did not mean to cut his spinal cord, forcing him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.  George told me today it took him 8 years to forgive the man.  ( I have no idea how he could forgive him at all!)   George comes to church every single week.  He lives up a hill with very steep steps and has to get down the steps anytime he goes anywhere.  He very often will get a ride in a taxi to church and drives his wheel chair the several miles home, up the hills and alley sized streets, then up his very steep steps to his house.  He has no income and I have no idea how he has money for food or anything else he does.  He always has a big smile and is very inspirational to me.  
Baby Mamas
Every day we try to find people that have not been to church.  Yesterday we visited with one lady who had 3 kids....all different fathers, not married, no man lives there....  Then we went to visit another lady who has 2 kids....two different fathers, not married, no man in the picture.  Then another girl, 17, with her first baby,  and of course, not married.  This is very common here, in or out of the church.  In fact it is more common than babies being born into families or even born with a man living at the home.  Most of the women are single mothers.  The women here have lost hope and are worn out very young.  
Funny Story
Our mission president got pulled over and given a $500 ticket (about 6 American dollars) for not wearing his seatbelt.  After a week or so he went to pay the ticket.  The DMV (or whatever the Jamaican equivalent is) could not find his ticket to pay.  He could not find the original either.  They told him to try another office.  Now mind you, that every time you go to a government office it is a l-o-n-g wait.  He went another office and they could not find the ticket either.  They told him that if he found the original to bring it in and pay it.  Later, he found the ticket and returned to pay for it.  By this time the due date was past and they told him he had to go to court.  So he went to court, but he had to make an appointment  so had to return the next day....which he did.  Then they told him it was the wrong court and he had to go to another court which he did.  Then they told him he had to have an appointment so he was to come back the next day.  Now, remember he is a very busy man and he had wasted 5 different days trying to pay for this $6 ticket.  When he finally got a court appearance the judge (a lady) told him that his fine was $2000 Jamaica dollars.  (About 24 American dollars).  He did not have that much with him so the judge said he would have to spend 30 days in jail.  He asked if he could go across the street to an ATM and the answer was “NO” .   So he was escorted to the jail.  He asked for a phone call where he called the Assistants to bring him money so he could get out of jail....  all for a $6 ticket.... which he has tried so hard to pay.  Remember this is a retired FBI agent, well versed in the penal system in the US.  When he was telling us this story....and really I can’t do it justice in writing.....we laughed so very hard.  
We feel the sweetness and tenderness of humble people.  We love the relationships made.  We are so lucky to get to go with the elders when they teach some people.  What a choice experience to  feel the spirit as we talk and know investigators and/or members feel it too.  We feel protected and blessed more than we can express.   As discouraged as we get at times, the joy outweighs all else.  
We love you very much.
Elder and Sister Herbert
Mom and Dad
Papa and Grandma
Beautiful garden and Bath, Jamaica
Dead Mongoose..(The jamaicans brought the mongoose to their country to kill the snakes.  The snakes are gone but tons of mongoose!
Girls in school uniformes...all the kids wear uniforms to school.  (They love to have their picture taken).
Service project in an Old Folks home....great time
Beautiful ocean off the east coast.

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