Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just to the kids...

Dear Scott, Jess, Aimee, Kaleb, Erin, and Jason,
Every week (almost), I write a letter to everyone telling them about our adventures.  This week I am just writing you.  I think of you and pray for each of you each day.  At the first of our mission I was trying to write in my journal each day so I would not forget my feelings and experiences.  But often I would be discouraged and would not want to record that to read later.  Very often my discouragement came from my own inadequacies so I did not want to hash and rehash those same feelings.  So I got lazy and started just using my weekly letter for my journal.  Consequently, I do forget and am not always able to recapture the experience a week later.
Last week in church your dad and I sang with the other missionaries.  Later that day the elders were saying how well it went.  I had to tell them that if the spirit was gone, it was my fault.  All I could think of during the song is how I wished someone had a camera and would take a picture of your father singing in church.  I know that no one would believe it and I would love to have that picture for posterity.
We have enjoyed working with this new Jamaican missionary.  He is such a good sport and works hard.  Every time he eats with us, it is a new experience for him.  He had never had lasagna, enchiladas, pumpkin pie, banana cream pie, or today I made cream puffs....just so he could try them.  He says he now wants to start a pastry shop in jamaica when he gets home.  When he went out to eat with the Ockeys he tried sushi and had a steak for the first time.
No one knows here that we are leaving for Jamaica.  (To be honest, we don’t know when that will be either.)  But we are hustling trying to get some projects completed.  There is not ONE person in this branch that can lead music, so I am using the last few minutes of Relief Society to teach all the sisters.  We FINALLY got a visiting teaching roster made up after being here for almost a year..  We are having the Primary Program next week...first one they have ever had.  We are hoping to have air-conditioning in, sooner than later, which will make a huge difference in our meetings.  The old mission president said that progress here would be in millimeters... and we feel that we can see some success.  However, when we first came there was a baptism almost every week.  Now we have not had one for over a month.  We blame that on to immigration.
There was another boat that came with illegal Haitians.  It make trouble for all Haitians on the island.  Now immigration will be out harassing all those that are here now.  If 200 came on the boat, they will raid until they have at least 200 to send home.  The real crooks are the boat captains who charge exorbitant amounts and feed these people with lies about opportunities and jobs available here.  Some have been told that they can see the lights of Miami from our island, others that they can take a bus and get to America.  They come with nothing.  It is just too hard to understand.  It also means that  people will be afraid and will not come to the church.  We thought about starting English class again, but now that the boat came, we don’t dare.
Our neighbors have gone back to England for a few weeks.  We are very excited because that means there will be no dogs barking.  They are putting their dogs in a kennel so we will be able to sleep through the night.  The husband has a real drinking problem and we have had some (scary, for me, annoying for your dad), experiences with him drunk.  We would hear him crying, falling in the bushes, yelling at his wife, moaning.... always in the middle of the night, and waking us up.  so for two weeks we are looking forward to quiet nights.
Most of our mission I have gotten up early and walked for an hour.  Recently I have re-hurt my knee several times.  I quit walking for a week and then tried to start again slowly as to build it up.  However it continues to be very swollen and sore.  I don’t know if walking hurts it more or not.  I hate to just quit....believe me, I have gained enough weight and wish I could exercise.  I am afraid I am heading for a knee replacement.  
Scott, I have thought of you every day and hope your knee and leg heals up the way you need it to.  I pray for Kaleb on his hunting trip.  Jason continues to be in our prayers also.  Thank you Jess, for helping Scott and for teaching your beautiful children.  I hope Aimee and Erin are enjoying this time together.  I am so glad the cousins can form bonds.  We are anxious to have Scott/Jess and family come up with Erin/ Jason family, so all the cousins can all be together.  There is no way I can express my great love and admiration..... and appreciation for the good choices you make and the way you teach your children.  Each of you bring more joy than I can express.  Just want you to know, that I know the church is true. 
Love you very much.....   Mom and Dad

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