Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Elder Wilford Anderson

Dear family and Friends,
What a wonderful week.  We had an amazing experience with Elder Wilford Anderson, of the 70, this last week.  He is a member of the Caribbean area presidency.  He was doing a tour of the mission and stayed over for a special fireside on Wednesday night.  We had prepared for many weeks by cleaning and organizing the building, teaching members about church leadership, and planning for rides etc.  As it turned out it was more than worth the efforts.  We are so grateful for all who went out of their way to make the evening so special.  Immigration had been out in full force and we knew some members would be afraid to come.  Those who had the faith and ventured out to the meeting were well paid for their righteous actions.  We all had our separate prayers and they were answered by peace from the authorities and and outpouring of the spirit. President Ockey had rented two big vans and Mike and I drove to different parts of the island to pick up those who have no way to come in.  We have 73 members in our branch and 120 attended the fireside.  We feel so bad for those who chose not to come.
Elder Anderson commented that it was truly a miracle that in less than two years so many were gathered in our beautiful building.  It is the faith of so many here who made it happen.  
I am not sure you can appreciate this ......  But after being here almost 11 months, we now have running water in the ladies bathroom.  (Don’t ask!)  There are some things about this mission that we will never forget.  There are some things that we count among our greatest accomplishments.  This is one of both.  I can not begin to explain so that anyone can understand (or believe) the process that we go though to get anything like that done.  We have been working on air conditioning almost since we came, and we know others worked on it before we came!   ( I would never complain but it does get several hundred degrees during primary.)  Well, after Elder Anderson told us it would not be installed any time soon,  we just got word from a different source, that it is all approved. Now it goes from Puerto Rico, to Dominican Republic, to Jamaica, through all the red tape, and then perhaps we can have that done too, before we leave the island.
We have so many blessings and are so grateful to be a part of this great work.  Do you remember Daniel’s dream?   We feel like little pebbles of that great stone rolling forth though out the world.  So thankful to be here.
Love,  Elder and Sister Herbert
After a branch activity.
Tencie is the Relief Society President.  This is her serving the ball.
President Hendricks on the phone.  Elder Anderson said it is only appropriate that the picture is with him talking and solving problems every minute.  The life of a mission president!

 A branch picture after the fireside.

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