Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Just Another Week in Paradise

On Wednesday we went to visit Libonair and DJonny. They have a hard time getting in to church on Sundays because they live so far away.

1st Picture: Libonair was so proud of his home. He found plywood (somewhere) and got permission from the owner of the property, to build this little lean-to in the foundation of the owner’s home. (All over the island are structures like this in, the start of walls...and just left unfinished). He has been in the bushes for a long he was excited to have this place. His friend (also a brand new member of the church) sleeps in there with him. We wanted him to move in closer to the church to he could come to his meetings. But he is so excited to have his new “home” that he does not want to move. All we have to offer him is other members who live in the bushes closer to the church. It is so far from my reality that I can not understand it. But he is not fact I have never seen him without a huge smile on his face. I have no idea how he got to church today, but afterwards he said, “I feel good today”. He and others are such good examples for us.

2nd Picture: Elder Herbert with Claud. He is the branch clerk. He went with us to translate when we went to see Libonair and DJonny. We drive about a mile off road and then up about 100 yards on this path. Then we get out of the car and walk another hundred yards up over the hill to where they stay. Claude is so willing to serve and help. He is a spiritual giant.

3rd Picture: Michel-ange was baptized yesterday. She is one that the Packs taught before we got here. It is so exciting to find women. For some reason more Haitian men join the church than women. For on thing there more more Haitian men here than women, but our mission president said that is true in Haiti also. I don’t know why. But we are excited to have her. I hope she turns out to be strong.

4th Picture: See how Lemonin is draped over Michel-ange and Pierre Paul? Haitians are very physical people. It is not uncommon to see women and even men walking down the street holding hands. It means nothing other than they are friends. That is one thing we love so much about them. Often they give me a kiss on the cheek when they see me. I will miss that someday when we leave.

The last picture was taken 1/2 hour before English class started. I took the picture because I am so amazed each week. These men come in so early to get a good seat, get out their notebooks and start to write. They write everything I have on the board and begin asking questions before class. They are so excited to learn and they think everything I say is “gospel.” I have to be careful what I say. It is so nice to have Mike there to correct my spelling, act out silly situations, etc. He always has ideas how to teach. But it is such a pleasure to be with them each Tuesday and Thursday. This is only half that come, but these are the ones that are so faithful and early each week.

Well, for the third time since we have come to the island we were “visited” in the night by unwelcome guests. About 5AM Saturday morning, (April 24th) I was awakened by what I thought was people trying to get into the car. Half asleep I contemplated getting up and checking, but the thought passed quickly when I heard footsteps up to our front and someone trying our door. The lights were on outside and I sat up in bed in time to see a person walking by our kitchen window. There would be NO OTHER reason for someone coming to our kitchen window other than trying to get in our house. I woke up Mike in a panic explaining what I had just seen. He jumped up, ran over, and pulled back the drapes and stood face to face with three men.... He told them to get out of there, that the police had been called. The brazenly told him to “Shut up and go back to bed”. They then walked around to our neighbor’s house, pounded on their door, yelling for them to open the door. Then they just meandered back to their car and left. In that time I had called 911 (we were very grateful they there have been times on the island where no one is on the other line when 911 is called), and gave somewhat of a description of the men, the car, etc. The police came and we talked to them for a while, and were not able to sleep again before it was time to get up. As we analized what had happened, talked to our neighbors, and thought reasonably about he whole situation, we concluded they were just drunk and were in the wrong place. Our neighbor had been out drinking the night before and he thinks they were some men that he had met at the party. He apologized profusely but could not identify them for sure. We feel safe, in that we don’t think they were really trying to hurt us or steal anything. It was just a very scary morning. The first thing I did while Mike was talking to the Police was kneel down and thank Heavenly Father for protecting us one more time. I feel there are special blessings being missionaries and we are grateful for the many that we are granted daily.

We love you all and pray that you are led and directed in all you do.
Love, Elder and Sister Herbert

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