Who are we?

We, Elder and Sister Herbert, are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Alaska. We live on the islands, serving a mission for our church. We will be here for 18 months! To learn more about our church click here!

This site is updated by our daughter and serves as a journal and letter log for our many adventures while we are here!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

How does the earthquake affect you and the islands? I know there is a Tsunami watch posted.

In Earth Science this year we learned that if you are on the beach and you see the tide recede way far out to the ocean, and you see fish flapping around--the temptation is to go out and pick up the fish. However, this is a definite sign that a Tsunami is about to hit, and a lot of people have been tricked into going after the fish and died in the following Tsunami. If someone sees the tide changing so drastically, they need to start heading to higher ground immediately--Tsunamis are very fast.

Do they give you any kind of training on the islands concerning hurricanes and Tsunamis?

We love you, Kathy

Thanks for your concern. We are fine. In case some have not heard, yesterday Haiti had a 7.0 earthquake in the capital. We know little but the news says there could be thousands dead....we heard 3,000,000 affected. Haiti is only 80 miles from us. They did post warnings but even then, they said it was not likely a Tsunami would reach here. We are more worried about Haiti. Most of the members of our branch are from Haiti and have family there. Many are from Port Au Prince where the earthquake was centered. Most communication is down and they are all worried. Mada (our dear new convert) is concerned about her husband who is visiting family and friends in Haiti. It is so hard for us to understand why people who are soooo poor now have this new disaster to overcome. I know there will be great relief efforts and I know the church will be a part of that. But there are so many trapped and such poor systems in place to handle the problems. The infrastructure, even before the earthquake,is very poor. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Please pray for those who are hurting.

We love you,
Elder and Sister Herbert

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